Monday, February 27, 2017


Skill: Publishing and Presenting

The final lesson in the writing a children's book unit is an extension activity. I came up with the idea for this lesson as the students were asking me everyday if they could add videos and sound to their children's books. Although I can not modify any of the assignments as a substitute, I thought of some ways that students could include other forms of media in my ideal lesson.

Lesson 9 of The Writing Process

Upon completing a science fiction children's book, students will turn their story into a video using Animoto. Students can use the pictures they drew for their book, or they can find pictures online as long as they are able to give credit to their sources.


Video creation view on the iPhone app 

Animoto can be used as an app on an iPad, iPhone, or online. Through the use of an education account, Animoto allows the user to create longer videos with various effects. Students can add pictures, videos, sound, and text to bring their children's book to life. Making videos on Animoto is simple and can be completed with little effort or videography background. Animoto starts with having the creator select a design from the gallery. These designs allow you to focus on the content of the video rather than how the video will transition. Once the design and music are selected, the rest is to simply select the pictures, videos, and texts you wish to add in the order you desire. The simplicity of the Animoto tool allows for easy creation and distribution of videos.


The use of Animoto in this unit allows for the transformation of the lesson and redefinition of the task. By creating a video from their children's book, students are using their creativity to share their story with others. Animoto also allows for students to create a different type of video presentation. The students are tasked with not just reading their book allowed or recording the story. Students are tasked with creating a movie like version of their book without use of people. Students must think outside their comfort zones and develop a new style of presentation.

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